Data Guard Knight: Oklop za vaše povjerljive informacije!

This service is performed remotely, without the need for physical presence at the client's location.

If you think your data is safe, think again.

Your database is like a secret bunker – valuable but open to attack. Data breaches are a reality that many companies face, and the consequences can be catastrophic. The loss of confidential information can mean loss of customer trust, financial penalties and bad reputation, and can affect the success of your business in the long run.

To help you protect your valuable information, we offer:

  • Vulnerability scanning of online databases: Think of it as a digital X-ray looking for your system's weakest points. Our advanced tools detect all possible gateways a hacker could enter through. This proactive measure allows you to detect weaknesses before they become a serious threat, giving you the opportunity to remediate them and strengthen your defenses.
  • Data encryption: Your sensitive data in databases should be encrypted. Encryption creates a layer of protection that ensures that even if a breach occurs, your data remains unreadable. The question is: Is your data protected enough to survive the attacks of modern villains?
  • Regular Testing and Vulnerability Assessment: Just as 007 agents are constantly undergoing training, we will also regularly test the security of your databases. This continuous assessment allows for the rapid detection and resolution of potential problems, before they become a serious threat. Our teams of experts use the latest testing and analysis methods to ensure your peace of mind and security.

After a complete check, you will be provided with a detailed report with all observations and categorization of potential security flaws observed, which will allow you to have a clear picture of the state of your security and the necessary steps for improvement.

Phish & Chips: Who Fell for the Trick?

This service is performed remotely, without the need for physical presence at the client's location.

We have all heard of those "attractive" emails that offer monetary rewards or ask for confirmation of your information. Phishing is like bait being thrown into the water, and you are the target. Hackers don't choose funds - they send emails from "your bank" or "a rich heir from Nigeria" to scam you. And while you are relaxing, they are smiling on the other side of the screen, waiting for the moment when you fall into the trap.

But that's where we come in – your cyber superheroes!

We offer:

  • Simulation of phishing attacks: We regularly conduct tests to check how resistant your employees are to phishing attacks. It's like a digital version of "Who Will Survive?" – who will pass our test and who will become the next victim? Our team will simulate real phishing attacks, analyze employee reactions and provide feedback to help them better understand threats and improve their abilities to identify suspicious activity. This approach not only improves the security of your organization, but also raises cyber threat awareness among your employees.
  • Staff education: In order for your employees to recognize phishing attempts, we provide them with clear guidelines and information that is fun and educational. Our mission is to empower your staff to become the first line of defense against threats and to know how to behave in crisis situations. With fun examples and real-life scenarios, your employees will be ready to face the threats ahead.

Our mission is to empower your company and ensure your employees are informed and ready to take action. In a world where cyber threats are increasingly present, it is better to be one step ahead than to react to the damage.

Network Gladiator: Branimo signal, napadamo ranjivosti!

This service requires presence at the client's location.

Are you ready for a mission to save your Wi-Fi signal from invisible attackers?

With our vulnerability check service against these types of attacks, your network is shielded against deauthentication attacks! Think of us as digital gladiators hunting down any attacker who tries to "disconnect" your devices from the network.

Our specialty?

Finding holes in the defense and putting up an impenetrable wall!

But that's not the end! We'll dive deep into network workstations and servers, searching for vulnerabilities like pirates looking for treasure. Every server and workstation will pass our "stress test", and all potential security flaws will be discovered before the enemy notices them. Our mission is to ensure that your network is not only functional, but also as strong as a knight's armor.

  • Protection against deauthentication attacks: In the event that we discover a vulnerability to wi-fi deauthentication attacks, we will propose solutions that ensure that your Wi-Fi network remains secure and accessible, even when hostile deauthentication attempts are taking place in the background. As modern gladiators, we use the latest technologies and strategies to uncover flaws and ensure your devices stay connected and malicious activity leaves no trace.
  • Vulnerability assessment: In addition to Wi-Fi signal protection, our team conducts comprehensive vulnerability assessments of your network workstations and servers. Through rigorous security tests, we detect weaknesses in your system and provide recommendations for improvement. Our goal is to strengthen your network security and ensure that your organization does not become a target of attack.

After the work is done, you will be provided with a detailed report that will contain all observed vulnerabilities and recommended steps to improve the security of your network. In a world where threats are increasingly present, it is important to have a partner who will protect you and allow you to focus on what you do best - the growth and success of your business!